May 14, 2024

"FLOOD THE GATES: ESCALATE" | Unmasking The Anti-American Playbook Of The So-Called "Free Palestine" Protests

Read the full document and our analysis here:

"FLOOD THE GATES: ESCALATE," a manifesto written by Palestine Action US, pretends to advocate for Palestinian rights but truly functions as a sophisticated, Osama bin Laden-inspired terrorist manifesto for destabilizing the West and destroying America. 

Secure America Now is giving an exclusive further examination of the document, highlighting precisely the elements that make it any domestic terrorist’s anti-American manual. 

It’s time for Americans to understand the true intent behind not only the manifesto, but the so-called “Free Palestine” protests: to recreate a 9/11 that successfully destroys America.

Here’s what’s in the document:

Direct Calls To Escalate Violence To Terrorism

The manifesto unequivocally calls for an escalation of mere violence to unabashed terrorism. It states: "ABOVE ALL ELSE, ESCALATE... because we know power won't move unless we strike fear in the heart of the ruling class and pose a threat to their reproduction of capital." This language is a direct incitement of terrorism, advocating for violent actions that fundamentally disrupt public order and safety in order to destabilize a nation and destroy it.

The Document’s Language Is Pulled Directly From Bin Laden’s 9/11 Playbook

Osama bin Laden's rhetoric often revolved around the notion of direct action against economic and infrastructural targets to weaken his enemies (AKA, terrorism). In a 2004 speech, he explicitly stated, "We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy." The manifesto's focus on attacking "points of production and logistics networks including ports, bridges, weapons manufacturers, and financial institutions" aligns with the so-called “Free Palestine” protests' strategic objective to cripple economic stability with violence.

The document's philosophical underpinnings resonate with bin Laden's framing of his jihad. Bin Laden once declared, "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry, Bush, or al-Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands," which undermines the primary function of the U.S. government and turns its people against it. The manifesto adopts this tactic with its push for grassroots terrorism and the rejection of established legal and social frameworks, advocating for an "exit from the social order that power has enshrined in the name of law, stability, public interest, and the greater good."

Uses Direct Anti-American Rhetoric

The manifesto labels American interventions as "genocidal imperialism," a severe distortion of American foreign policy. While U.S. military and humanitarian actions are subject to criticism, they are often part of broader efforts, sanctioned by international bodies, to maintain global stability or respond to humanitarian crises. For instance, when Hamas terrorists parachuted into Israel to butcher over 1,200 innocent Jews, America had a duty to support Israel in order to reject Iranian-backed destabilization of a democratic ally and restore stability in the region. The manifesto’s narrative serves as a terrorist tactic to delegitimize Western democracies by falsely equating their defensive, anti-terrorist actions with genocidal intent.

The Manifesto Explicitly Uses Universities As Terrorist Headquarters

The manifesto's strategy to "BREAK OPEN THE UNIVERSITY GATES" signifies a dangerous shift to turn educational institutions into hubs of anti-American radicalization. This approach not only ensures a continuous supply of young recruits but also exploits the sanctity of education, transforming campuses into breeding grounds for extremism. It is precisely why universities across the nation are appeasing “Free Palestine” protests. It is precisely why they appeased ANTIFA and “Defund The Police” protests. The anti-America playbook demands they do so. This tactic is particularly insidious because it cloaks radical activities under the guise of academic freedom and critical discourse.

Recognizing and Counteracting The Modern Terror Blueprint

The parallels between "FLOOD THE GATES: ESCALATE" and the strategies of Osama bin Laden are indistinguishable. The manifesto’s straightforward blend of ideological manipulation and calls for destabilizing violence positions it as a modern manual for terrorism, aimed at destabilizing American society from within until it crumbles.

Recognizing the true intent behind seemingly activist rhetoric is the first step in preventing potential acts of terror that could echo the devastation experienced on 9/11.

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