May 13, 2024

Biden's Arms Embargo on Israel: A Dangerous Precedent

President Joe Biden has decided to reward Hamas terrorists by imposing an arms embargo on Israel, critically hampering its efforts to finish off Hamas in Rafah. 

This decision, made just 24 hours after Biden likened Hamas' terrorist attacks on Israel to the Holocaust, sends a chilling message: Joe Biden has sided with Hamas.

The embargo includes a wide range of military equipment, from 2,000-pound bombs to precision-guided munitions, essential for Israel’s defense. At a time when Israel faces constant threats from Iran and Hezbollah—whose aggression is continuously intensifying—this move significantly weakens Israel's military readiness.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has called this a "pause" intended to prevent a broader attack on Rafah, a known Hamas stronghold. However, this decision comes at a high cost. Rafah is not just any location; it's the center of Hamas' military leadership and operations. By withholding arms, the Biden administration is allowing Hamas to continue its terror activities, shielded behind civilian populations.

In October, President Biden promised to ensure Israel had everything necessary to defend its citizens. Now, as Israel requires the support he promised, Biden’s administration does the opposite by stripping away critical military aid, leaving Israel more vulnerable to attacks and ensuring the remaining 8,000 Hamas terrorists survive.

The Biden administration is aware that Hamas has consistently refused to engage in reasonable ceasefire negotiations, even while holding American five hostages. The refusal to release arms to Israel does not just betray Israel; it also overlooks the safety of American citizens caught in the crossfire.

This embargo will encourage aggression from other anti-Israel and anti-Western factions within the region. When the U.S. pulls back support, it signals to all its enemies that the Jewish state and the West are open to attack. 

Congress came together in a bipartisan effort which had overwhelmingly supported military aid to Israel just this April.

Let’s be clear about one thing: It’s not that President Biden is appeasing the most radical wing of the Democratic caucus; it’s that the radical, anti-Israel leftists are leading the Democratic caucus.

Now, more than ever, it is crucial for the American public to stand with Israel. 

Contact your representatives today. Demand that President Biden be held accountable for this decision that not only undermines Israel but also jeopardizes global peace and security. We must ensure that our leaders uphold the promises made to support our allies and maintain global stability.

We must ask ourselves and our leaders: if not now, when? 

When will we stand firmly with Israel, if not when it faces such blatant threats to its security and sovereignty?

The decision by President Biden to cut off arms to Israel is downright dangerous. 

It's a policy that must be challenged and overturned, for Israel's sake, and for the sake of American values we hold dear.

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